Farewell, Old Year (A 2017 Mixtape)

Chaplin, Modern Times

“music heals too/ i’m here to defend it”

-Björk, ‘Saint’, 2017


The end of the year is for me a time for recollection, reflection, planning and self-care.

This year I continued investing in music and books. As a present to friends I recorded a ‘mixtape’ (90 minutes, as the tapes I used to favour to record mixtapes back in the day) featuring some of the tracks and/or artists that were on heavy rotation during 2017 at home. This set was recorded in real time using two turntables, a mixer and a CD player. All the music included is music we bought in physical formats during 2017 or mid-late 2016.

I originally thought it would be a more ‘uplifty’ set but one track led to the other, which coincided with the sun setting this afternoon and the room getting darker and darker as I was recording, so it ended up being a tad gloomy, which was not at all my intention (you will think I must be fun at parties…) If you listen attentively though I hope you can detect the light coming through.

I’m not sure how long the link may be live as I only have a free mixcloud account and I am likely to have to delete content to upload new sets, but in the meanwhile you can listen to it below or by following the link. (Needless to say copyright of the tunes included belongs to the corresponding owners. Love music? Buy music.)

Happy new year to you all!